These stories, written for teens just like you, will make you laugh and make you cry. Most importantly, they'll show you that you are not alone, and that lots of other kids are going through the sa…
Being a teenager is difficult even under the best conditions. When bad things happen, the challenges can be overwhelming. But tough times can turn into great times. In this book, you'll see how you…
Buku ini akan membawa para remaja jauh ke dalam masalah-masalah yang mereka hadapi setiap hari, dan menawarkan pedoman dan pengertian untuk menolong mereka melalui masa-masa sulit itu. "Sahabat" ba…
Sometimes I am Worried helps young children to start managing their emotions. They can lift the flaps, slide the tabs and turn the wheel to explore what a worry is, why they might worry and how the…
Masalah-masalah psikologis, beserta seluruh bentuk rasa penderitaan yang ditimbulkannya, yang semakin luas mendera umat manusia di tengah kemajuannya kini, didekati oleh Erich Fromm melalui metode …