Kita semua pasti membutuhkan peta saat mengunjungi sebuah tempat baru. Carl Jung, seorang psikolog besar abad ke-20, membuat konsep peta jiwa yang telah membantu banyak orang bahkan hingga saat in…
Frasa “Kenapa Manusia Punya Luka Batin?” dipilih oleh Pijar Psikologi untuk menjadi pembuka dari bulu “Yang belum Usai: Kenapa Manusia Punya Luka Batin?”. Selama ini konsepsi bahwa luka ba…
If there is one thing that the Covid 19 Pandemic has taught us, it is how to deal with being alone. Quarantine and Social Distancing, while keeping us away from each other, has forced us to confron…
Teens love Chicken Soup for the Soul and this new series expands the brand with great features to go along with the for-teens by teens stories, sidebars, quizzes, cool graphics and straight teen ta…
In this thought-provoking book, preteens candidly share their experiences from the hilarity of an embarrassing first kiss, to the grief and distress they've experienced at the death of close friend…
This first batch of Chicken Soup for Teens consists of 101 stories every teenager can relate to and learn from -- without feeling criticized or judged. This edition contains important lessons on th…
These stories, written for teens just like you, will make you laugh and make you cry. Most importantly, they'll show you that you are not alone, and that lots of other kids are going through the sa…