Further your success with a career in continuing education! Get started in a career that has a promising future and is financially rewarding. Opportunities in Adult Education Careers provide…
America has long compared its students to top-performing kids of other nations. But how do the world's education superpowers look through the eyes of an American high school student? Author Amanda …
"Thinkers50 is . . . the Oscars for ideas." -- Professor Costas Markides, London Business School Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove, creators of Thinkers50, have personally interviewed top leaders …
Focusing on international economics, this work provides an analytical framework for understanding the international economy. The first half of the text deals with trade, the second half with the mo…
Launch each school day with 20- to 30-minute meetings that bring students together to practice social and academic skills and warm up for a day of engaged learning. The third edition offers: Update…