This exciting new handbook provides teachers with practical guidelines and classroom-tested lessons and activities to teach ESL students how to use learning strategies. Written by experts in the fi…
Kamu mau jadi Video Music Director? Bisa dong! Tiga orang sutradara muda ini akan berbagi cerita pengalaman karirnya hingga menjadi sutradara video klip handal Indonesia. Angga D Sasongko, memul…
Om Bob punya talenta luar biasa yaitu mampu bertindak tanpa terlebih dahulu. Dia punya kemampuan yang tak terkalahkan.Om Bob juga lahir pada saat yang tepat. tempat yang tepat dengan orang-orang ya…
Drawing from real-life stories and research from top experts, Shame Nation gives an in-depth look at how the rise in online shaming is affecting our way of life and stripping society of both compas…
America is on the brink of a green energy revolution that can save the planet, and increase peace and prosperity, by harnessing the unlimited solar power. After decades of promise, the technology f…