Science Bites series is a must-have supplementary series specially tailor-made to provide a more fun and adventurous learning experience for Primary pupils. It serves as the best complementary refe…
Originally written for Singapore Lower Secondary students (ages 12-14), Maths Olympiad: The Next Lap is conceived, researched and carefully crafted for students looking to acquire further knowledge…
MATHS GYM memperlengkapi siswa dengan hampir 400 soal untuk berlatih, untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka dan membantu menghafal prinsip matematis. Beberapa dari soal lebih menantang dalam buku ini…
Maths with the laughs added in! * Why does a horse need hands? * How many metres are there on the head of a pin? * How dense are you? Find out in Desperate Measures - all the tricks, tips a…