Readers can discover all the foul facts about Rowdy Revolutions, including which Chinese emperor was overthrown by his mum, why one revolution made ugly people very scared indeed and what Count Dra…
Sail back to a vicious time with fearsome seafaring Viking warriors with big boats, big shields and enormous ginger beards. Readers can discover all the foul facts about the Vicious Vikings, incl…
Readers can discover all the foul facts about the Smashing Saxons, including who got cow pats as Christmas presents, why wearing a pig on your head is lucky and how to make a dead Saxon happy. …
Learn all about the Gorgeous Georgians, like their sneaky schemes for hiding personal hygiene problems and the schoolchildren who went to war with their teachers! With a bold, accessible new l…
Step back to an awfully ancient time when pharaohs were phoul, servants suffered and everyone believed in an awesome afterlife. Discover the dire details of mummy-making, the truth about Tutankha…
If you ever hear old folk moaning on about the world today, just remind them how woeful things were in the Second World War. Readers can discover why the blitzed Brits ate chicken-fruit, sinkers an…
Readers can discover all the foul facts about the Angry Aztecs, including why the Aztecs liked to eat scum, when the world is going to end and their horrible habit of drinking live toads in wine.…