Disney Moana
Discover the magical world of Disney in this collectible series of timeless tales from the world's most popular animation studio. Adventurous Moana sets sail to save her beloved home when life on her island starts fading.Discovering that the demigod Maui caused the crops to failwhen he stole the heart of the goddess, Te Fiti, Moana journeys across the ocean to persuade Maui to return the heart. On hervoyage, she forms an unlikely bond with Maui and uncovers secrets about hervillage. But, most important of all, whatwill she discover about herself?
9896-2021-PR | 741.5 DIS d.m | Primary's Library (Primary) | Tersedia - Bahasa Inggris |
Judul | Edisi | Bahasa |
Disney Beauty And The Beast | en |