This book is a distinguishing reference material designed for New HSK Level 5 candidates and the training programs they are taking.
A Short Intensive Course of New HSK, aimed at providing pre-exam guidance and intensive training for the New HSK candidates and training institutions, includes 10 volumes altogether, i.e., the inte…
This is the Workbook matching A Short Intensive Course of New HSK (Level 5), targeted at HSK level 5 candidates and training institutions. This workbook is divided into two parts: skill training an…
Bagian pertama dari "Buku Latihan Kursus Intensif Cepat HSK (Level 6)" yang disusun oleh Liu Chaoying, Long Qingtao, Jin Shunian, dan Cai Yunling adalah latihan terperinci, yang dibagi menjadi tiga…
This is the Workbook matching A Short Intensive Course of New HSK (Level 4), targeted at HSK level 4 candidates and training institutions. This workbook is divided into two parts: skill training an…
A Short Intensive Course of New HSK, aimed at providing pre-exam guidance and intensive training for the New HSK candidates and training institutions, includes 10 volumes altogether, i.e., the inte…