Twelve-year-old Quicksilver lives as a thief in the sleepy town of Willow-on-the-River. Her only companions are her faithful dog and partner in crime, Fox—and Sly Boots, the shy boy who lets her …
Out of the ashes of a devastated Woodbury, Georgia, two opposing camps of ragtag survivors develop - each one on a collision course with the other. Underground, in the labyrinth of ancient tunne…
In book seven, the Famous Five investigate spook trains in the dead of night. The trains seem to vanish into thin air, but where do they go? The Five discover an unusual underground tunnel system a…
Someone is smuggling secrets out of the Kennewicketts' lab and sabotaging their experiments, putting everyone at the Amazing Automated Inn at risk. In pursuit of the villains, the family of scienti…
Popular New Yorker cartoonist Paul Noth continues his illustrated middle grade series about a boy, his wacky family, and an out-of-this-world adventure in this laugh-out-loud sequel to How to Sell …
Join Sam Force on a fast-paced adventure through Egypt that’s a mix of “Indiana Jones, National Treasure, and The Da Vinci Code” (School Library Journal) with the start to a brand-new series …
Enid Blyton's books are beloved the world over and The Famous Five have been the perennial favourite of her fans. Now, in this new series of Enid Blyton for Grown-Ups, George, Dick, Anne, Julian an…
Welcome, foolish mortals, to the lonesome library of the Haunted Mansion. In this bone-chilling book, you will read the terrifying tales of the Fearsome Foursome - four kids who try to out-scare…
In this middle grade novel by James Preller, a father and son journey along the Lewis and Clark Trail―from Fort Mandan to the shining sea―offering readers a genre-bending blend of American hist…