Master your yoga asanas with confidence and ease! Explore the physiology of 30 key yoga poses, in-depth and from every angle. Scientific principles and evidence have demystified so much of the pra…
Political metaphors and related figurative discourse tools are characterised by their variability and contentiousness. Using them, discourse participants try to gain competitive advantage over othe…
Jane Geaney argues that early Chinese conceptions of speech and naming cannot be properly understood if viewed through the dominant Western philosophical tradition in which language is framed throu…
Why do groups of speakers in certain times and places come up with new varieties of languages? What are the social settings that determine whether a mixed language, a pidgin or a Creole will develo…
Penulisan sejarah di Indonesia selama ini lebih menitikberatkan pada kelompok-kelompok kelas bawah pedesaan dengan fokus utama pada pemberontakan petani. Rakyat miskin kota dengan ini seakan-akan t…
Shera Kinanti, 25 tahun, Manajer Produksi Beta Laktam di sebuah perusahaan farmasi, punya poin-poin yang tidak disukai dari seorang pria. Sayangnya semua poin itu ada di sosok Direktur Marketing …
Endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations Provide a key resource for your students with this revised edition for the updated 2016 syllabus (0460). This book has been carefully prepared to …
This special 50th anniversary hardback edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic masterpiece includes the complete revised and reset text, two-fold out maps printed in red and black and, unique to this e…