Covering the history of Bali from before the Bronze Age to the presidency of Megawati Sukarnoputri, this examination highlights the ethnic dynamics of the island and its place in modern Indonesia. …
This succinct work of history charts the growth of Indonesia, a remarkable nation of more than 6,000 inhabited islands. With lucid originality, the text incorporates more than 2 million years of hi…
There are various arguments for the metaphysical impossibility of time travel. Is it impossible because objects could then be in two places at once? Or is it impossible because some objects could b…
Insect Metamorphosis: From Natural History to Regulation of Development and Evolution explores the origin of metamorphosis, how it evolved, and how it is it regulated. The book discusses insect met…
This is the perfect Snack Cookbook for you if you have ever wanted to make Snack food. Inside this book you are going to discover a few Snack dishes that you can make with ease such as : •…
This step-by-step guide will encourage the reader to explore the full range of surface treatment techniques and help them to give a professional finish to their work by guiding them to an appropria…
The sterile insect technique (SIT) is an environment-friendly method of pest control that integrates well into area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes. This book takes a generic, t…
The era of the Enlightenment, which gave rise to our modern conceptions of freedom and democracy, was also the height of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. America, a nation founded on the principle o…
This program has already helped hundreds of combat sports athletes get into the best shape of their lives. Now you can too! If you want to get in the best shape possible to compete at your pea…
The Serious Business of Being Happy combines scientific research and clinical experience to lay out a wealth of strategies to bring about happiness with oneself, other people, and daily life in gen…